Section 1 contains information relevant to VOPEs in the process of founding and formalizing themselves. It also touches on important governance issues relevant to emergent and developed VOPEs.
Section 2 contains information relevant to running the business side of the VOPE, and institutionalizing it.
Section 3 contains information about the activities that VOPEs typically carry out – These are activities that make VOPEs uniquely different from other organizations, and centres around the value added by VOPEs.
Section 4 contains resources relating to the work of each of the EvalPartners networks. This may enable the VOPEs to draw on, expand and replicate the work of the global EvalPartners networks at local level.
This Professionalization of Evaluators section of the Toolkit offers resources to VOPEs to foster a discussion on professionalizing evaluators that enables the selection of a country-appropriate path.
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