6. DRG Evaluation Module

The objective of this Module is to provide useful tools and share valuable resources to facilitate the engagement and commitment of Voluntary Organizations of Professional Evaluators (VOPEs) with strengthening Democracy, Human Rights and Governance (DRG), through evaluation.

This course was design by Antonella Guidoccio and Claudia Olavarria

Details: Section 1 to 6

1.1 What are the objectives of this module?
1.2 What is the target audience of this module?
1.3 Guidelines to navigate this toolkit

2.1 Definition of Democracy, Human Rights and Governance
2.2 Critical Factors to understand DRG challenges
2.3 Most influential elements to strengthen Democracy
2.4 Most Influential actors to advance Democracy, Human rights and Governance

To address the relation between Democracy, Human Rights and Governance (DRG) and VOPEs, we recommend to use a lens that will understand evaluation field as a system.

Identify the critical stakeholders you want to influence
Traditional and modern strategies for advocacy
Customize your strategies based on your target audience
Indicators to track progress of your advocacy efforts

Capacity Development Consideration for VOPEs to evaluate initiatives of Democracy, Human Rights and Governance
Individual Capacity Development tips to evaluate DRG initiatives
Institutional Capacity Development tips to evaluate DRG initiatives

Resources and Guides about DRG Eval
Practical Tools about DRG Eval
Communities of Practice that are discussing DRG Eval
EvalPartner Initiatives
International Framework relevant for DRG Eval

Bibliografía, Páginas web

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