4. EvalPartners Network Resources

The Global Evaluation Agenda 2016-2020 (also called EvalAgenda2020) was formally launched at the Parliament of Nepal on 25th November, 2015. The aims of EvalAgenda2020 are to:

  • Strengthen the enabling environment for evaluation.
  • Develop Institutional capacities.
  • Participate in EvalPartners efforts to build individual capacities for evaluation, focusing on evaluators, commissioners and users of evaluation.
  • Support the inter-linkages among these first three dimensions by working together (as governments, parliamentarians, VOPEs, the United Nations, foundations, civil society, private sector, academia, and other interested groups).

As part of the realisation of this agenda EvalPartners launched global networks to promote engagement, innovation, and exchange such as EvalYouth, EvalSDG's, EvalGender+, EvalIndigenous, Global Parliamentarians Forum for Evaluation.

Click the topic header to access additional information and a rich set of resources.

The topics covered in this section include:

EvalSDGs is a network of interested and skilled decision-makers, institutions and practitioners who advocate for the evaluability of new SDG performance indicators and support processes for integrating evaluation into national review systems and global.

EvalGender+ is a global partnership to promote the demand, supply and use of Equity Focused and Gender Responsive Evaluations.

A global network to promote engagement, innovation, and exchange among young and emerging evaluators and youth and young people.

EvalIndigenous is a multi-stakeholder partnership which, through the recognition of the different world views and valuing the strengths of Indigenous evaluation practices will advance the contribution of Indigenous evaluation to global evaluation practice.

The goal of the Global Parliamentarians Forum for Evaluation is to advance the enabling environment for nationally owned, transparent, systematic and standard evaluation processes in line with the principles of “No one left behind” and National Evaluation Policies with equity-focused and gender responsive lens at the country level that are aimed at contributing to good governance and sustainable development.

Voluntary Organizations for Professional Evaluation (VOPE) can initiate engaging parliamentarians through formal and informal advocacy and awareness on evaluation and its value to MP. Bring likeminded parliamentarians who are interested together forming a group or a forum. Taking a twin approach work with this group on one end to promote a National Evaluation Policy (NEP) which is institutionalize the concept of evaluation in a country. The other is to train and pilot the use of evaluation in development projects at the electoral level. This hands-on approach will help the MPs to better understand the value of evaluation to them and to their constituency.  See the following simple framework to engage parliaments in development evaluation.

Building Awareness and Capacity of Parliamentarians on Evaluation

  •  Conduct  awareness and training  programs for these selected parliamentarians
  •  Develop an informal  forum in parliament to discuss and apply the concepts of evaluation
  •  Provision of technical input to this forum or group in the application of evaluation          

Examples of policies, plans and frameworks.



suggestion on inputs
4. Literature Centre.
Establish in house and online Publication centre. I.e. Evaluation reports, newsletters, in house and other VOPE journals case studies etc.


5. VOPE coordination and partnership.
Regionally and Globally

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