anzea Evaluator competencies

Evaluator Competencies for Aotearoa New Zealand

" anzea is proud to introduce a set of unique evaluator competencies which place values – cultural values and values as an integral part of evaluation – at the centre, along with the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi – partnership, protection and participation as an underpinning base." (Page 4)

"The competencies have emerged from work undertaken by anzea from 2009 to 2011. A working group has reviewed the literature, local and international to date Hyperlink: evaluator competency literature précis on website, brought together a caucus of evaluators from a range of sectors and roles, and held regional consultations with its membership and the international evaluation community during 2010. The development of evaluator competencies is part of anzea’s strategy1 to promote and facilitate the development of quality evaluation practice in Aotearoa New Zealand (NZ), underpinned by the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi." (Page 4)

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